5 Communication Mistakes

Why Should You Outsource Software Development?

To survive today’s cut-throat competition, a humongous number of businesses are steadily moving towards software development outsourcing. In fact, 41% of CIOs expect their outsourcing spending to increase in 2020. Harnessing one or more types of outsourcing can help you:

Types of Software Development Outsourcing

Software development outsourcing models come prominently in two flavours: Location-based and Relationship-based. So, lets dive straight into understanding these two types.

Location-Based Software Development Outsourcing Models

Just as the name suggests, location-based outsourcing models are defined by distance. Some typical location-based models are:

Relationship-based Software Development Outsourcing Model

Relationship-based outsourcing describes the balance of ownership and responsibility held by the outsourcer and the client. The three primary relationship-based models are:

A few prominent perks of staff augmentation are:

While dedicated software development team offer many similar benefits as in staff augmentation model, some additional benefits are enumerated below:

Some benefits exclusive to a project-based model are:


Since every software development project has its own unique needs, pointing out one model as the panacea for all projects is redundant. The best you can do is to discuss your requirements and constraints with your outsourcing partner to create a perfectly aligned contract.