Our Core Values are not exactly what we seek to be, they’re at the center of what our identity is, each day.
Maintaining openness and honesty in your relationships with co-workers, clients and vendors, allows you to establish feelings of trust and cooperation. Being part of a diverse company such as TechnoIdentity requires you to work together with several people to accomplish day to day activities. For the most successful outcomes, team members should develop strong and positive relationships with one another. More than seeing a colleague as a means to complete a task, you must appreciate their skills and input in helping you produce great results. This makes working with your colleagues fun, and thus adds enthusiasm to everyday tasks. Having candid relationships within your workspace also allows people to be sincere about their mistakes, and more willing to ask for help. We’re all human after all, and we all need a helping hand sometimes, especially when you’re starting out new at a company. We aspire to build an environment where people respect one another, are good listeners, and even better communicators. We stress greatly on having open channels of communication with team members or clients, to ensure that everyone is on the same page, at all times.
C.S. Lewis once said, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.” A vital core of our work ethic includes being humble and respectful towards your co-workers and clients. Humility means acknowledging teamwork and each person’s individual contribution to a project, instead of taking sole credit for it. It involves being confident and allowing your actions to speak for yourself. Every individual in the company owns a set of skills and by empowering each person’s strengths, we produce the best outcome. Accepting the different opinions of your co-workers or managers as well as any feedback, in a constructive manner, shows them how understanding you can be. It is important to not treat yourself as superior to anyone, but to work in accordance with the company’s best interests in mind. In many little ways, such as by being a good listener, using a polite tone while interacting, and appreciating people for their cooperation, you can make a big difference in making others feel respected and valued.
As an ambitious company, TechnoIdentity strives to establish a work culture that is continually evolving into something better. We admire people who welcome change and become a part of it, instead of shying away from it. Although there is no guarantee of succeeding while dealing with oncoming problems, the important thing is to keep trying and to work harder to make the best of the situation. In companies, where you work with a large team and deal with several customers, change can come from anywhere. When you are faced with such risky and stressful situations, you need to be well equipped to navigate your way out of there. You need to think on your feet and conquer the task while staying calm and making good use of your skills and experience. We admire people who are confident, eager to experiment, and who possess the flair to follow through with the changes they introduce. With every challenge we conquer, we expand our knowledge as individuals and even grow as a company.
Knowledge is unlimited, and there is no one source for it. It exists everywhere, and the key is to be willing to learn from every experience you encounter and use it to better yourself. At TI, we think it’s important for people to step out of their comfort zones both, within the office and outside it as well. We support people who are curious and aim to explore challenging and unfamiliar roads. There exists untapped potential within each of us, and it is essential that we continuously broaden our horizons and push ourselves to acquire new skills. At the same time, we must also encourage our colleagues to adopt a similar desire for learning. By initiating intriguing conversations and sharing valuable knowledge in the workspace, you inspire your colleagues to think profoundly, too. We realise that nobody starts off as an expert in an area and that we’re all just a work in progress. However, what matters is the effort you put into improving your abilities and how well you use your time to grow holistically.
When people are passionate about something, they do not rest until their goals are achieved. That is the kind of drive we’re looking for. We believe that the amount of hard work you put into a project or task is directly linked to how strongly you feel about it. However, being ambitious is not enough. A person needs to be dedicated to their tasks and has to be willing to keep at it, even when the outcome isn’t what they expected it to be. To be able to soldier through the rough days and still chase after what you believe in is a much appreciated quality. We also think that being amidst like minded and passionate people helps boost the entire company’s morale. It makes work turn into something that you look forward to, for everyone.
Who doesn’t love a workspace that promotes fun and welcomes spontaneous ideas? At TechnoIdentity, we are looking for individuals who are go-getters. We admire people who take bold and adventurous decisions to achieve their goals, because in trying out new and creative solutions, you open the doors to several other opportunities. This allows a person’s perception to enhance, thus leading them to think outside the box and treat their tasks with an open mindset. We entirely support those who wander on the path less travelled, as long as their actions are calculated and accountable. However, when one dares to be different, mistakes are bound to happen. It is only through trial and error that we learn what works best and what doesn’t. This understanding helps strengthen our decision making skills, too. The important thing is to not be discouraged from taking risks, because great results are produced only when you take a chance.
At TechnoIdentity, we believe in making our customers feel special, by innovating upon our services to surpass their expectations. While communicating to a customer, you are a representative of our company, and speaking to you gives them a glimpse into our work ethic. Thus, from the first time you contact a customer, and throughout your interactions with them, you must be approachable and trustworthy. We aspire to work with people who take accountability for their actions, think ahead and act well in moments of adversity, as these are essential traits that our customers value. We push our team to use their expertise and creativity to discover new ways to deliver our service and make the customer’s experience better.
To innovate, you must constantly ask yourself “How can I make this result even better?” We aspire to have a team that thinks along these lines. A company earns respect and admiration from it’s customers when it keeps revising its service to make it more accessible and beneficial for them. Having a good sense of judgement helps immensely in choosing which area you should innovate in to provide maximum value to your customers. Very often, we get stuck in our roles, and our performance becomes limited with self-imposed constraints. It is essential to challenge yourself from time to time and deliver results that are brand new and rewarding. With us, innovation is a means to deliver value.
When it comes to using our skills and expertise to provide a service to customers, we are inspired to do more than just that. We admire people who are socially conscious and empathetic, and who always review the impact of their actions before going through with them. Our company promotes an environment where everyone is supported and valued, and nobody is mistreated or discriminated against. We do not entertain hierarchal superiority in the workplace but treat our colleagues, vendors, and clients with equal respect and discretion. Using technology for the greater good of society is one of our main mottos. We engage in conversations that push our boundaries to think more holistically about the value that our company and our service can provide for people and align with our vision. We support people who can identify problems of social injustice, objectively address them and further, inspire others to do the same.