At Technoidentity, we firmly believe in the transformative power of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). We recognize that these elements are crucial not only for fostering innovation and growth but also for driving broader social change. In this endeavor, we strive to incorporate DEI across every aspect of our operations, from talent acquisition and retention to policy formulation and leadership development.  

How are we ensuring diversity, equity, and inclusion? 

Finding and nurturing diverse talent 

Our commitment to DEI starts with our talent acquisition strategy. We aim to build a team that is a reflection of the diverse society we live in. We welcome individuals from all walks of life, regardless of their age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, religion, disability, background, or identity.  

A key part of our diversity initiative is encouraging women in tech. We have set a global goal to maintain 40% gender diversity in tech roles. Furthermore, we also have specific focus areas for hiring underrepresented groups in various regions where we operate, tailoring our strategies to address local disparities. 

Inclusion and belonging 

At Technoidentity, we take pride in creating a work environment where everyone feels a sense of belonging. Many of our employees’ report that working here is the first time they could truly be themselves at work. For us, inclusion isn’t just a program or initiative – it is an integral part of our culture and everyone’s responsibility.  

To this end, we undertake several sensitization programs on topics such as building equitable tech, unconscious bias, micro-aggressions, being a good ally, and prevention of discrimination and harassment. Through these initiatives, we strive to make everyone at Technoidentity aware and considerate of the diverse experiences and perspectives among us. 

Advancement and opportunities 

Our DEI commitment extends beyond hiring to include the professional growth and advancement of our employees. At Technoidentity, we believe in cultivation – nurturing the potential in every employee, or as we affectionately call them, every TIan and TIn. We offer coaching and mentoring, a culture of feedback, and stretch opportunities to help our people grow. 

Our leadership development programs reflect our commitment to gender diversity, with 50-60% women participants. Since 2012, we have been consciously investing in a diverse talent pipeline to shape our future.

Someone whose respect towards emotions helped her to understand the situation and accept her husband’s job loss and presence of mind and determination helps her to face difficulties in every step wherever she needs to choose for another option. 

Every time we feel sorry to take responsibility for our failures, we could not face the challenges for what learning has in its pocket but generally earlier we accept the sooner we will evolve. 

Taking care of work and family at a time with so much love and respect is not a small thing, which was done by Sudha Murthy, she is highlighted for that, mesmerized with her leadership skill.  

In Technoidentity, we people are ready to face our challenges because of our lovely support from leadership team and higher authorities, where you will not find any superior and inferior, everyone is in a same raw which will help you to come out from comfort zone and learn more which in short directly proportional to your career. 

When we get chance to cultivate new ideas, we are happy to share that as our ideas are counted, especially freshers are getting chance to learn the new technologies with TI which will help them to grow. India with new skilled developers will help in more projects and reduce unemployment.   

Retention and people policies 

Our commitment to DEI is a significant contributor to our unique, vibrant culture, often cited by our employees as the reason they chose and continue to stay with Technoidentity. Our people’s policies are flexible and considerate, designed with equity for marginalized and under-represented groups in mind. 

We are always open to new ideas to further foster inclusion and equity. For instance, suggestions from our team have led to policy changes like supporting gender transitioning and adoption leave. Moreover, we regularly conduct compensation analysis and pay parity checks to ensure equitable compensation across all levels and groups. 

At Technoidentity, we see diversity, equity, and inclusion as more than corporate buzzwords. They are the values that guide us in our mission to create transformative social change through technology innovation. Together, we strive to make Technoidentity not just a great place to work, but a catalyst for positive change in the world.